Become a Member Form

    Interested in being a member at Berkshire Hills?

    Just fill out the form below and our membership chair will reach out to you to make sure all your questions are covered. Berkshire Hills currently offers three areas of membership: Golf, Swim, and Social. The club also offers corporate memberships for businesses as well. Unlike many other private clubs, Berkshire Hills has no initiation fees or monthly “house” charges. All adult golfing memberships come with full family privileges to the pool and access to the clubhouse. The pool opens Memorial Day weekend and remains open through Labor Day. All 2024 applications are available on the left. Just click the button of your desired category and you’re on your way!

    2024 Fall Special: Golf

    Berkshire Hills is offering a Fall Special for the 2024 season! This special consists of an $800 membership fee for the rest of the year AND $400 off the membership fee in 2025! Anyone taking part of our Fall Special, will be eligible to play beginning on September 3rd. Come take part in the savings and play at the only Tillinghast designed course in all of Massachusetts!

    Social Membership

    Berkshire Hills Country Club’s social membership gives full access to the clubhouse and tavern. The tavern is open during our operating hours from May 1 – October 31 and Wednesday – Friday nights during the off-season. At the tavern, there is food and drinks available for members to enjoy. 

    This membership also includes entry to all social events happening at the club.

    Pool Membership

    Berkshire Hills Country Club offers a heated, outdoor pool that members can enjoy. The pool opens for the summer on Memorial Day weekend and is staffed through Labor Day. All adult golfing memberships come with full family privileges to the pool area.

    Berkshire Hills is committed to safety around the pool and have contracted with the BFYMCA to provide lifeguard service during the operation of our pool. The BHCC pool also offers a welcome desk, changing rooms, restrooms, showers, and outdoor gaming area for kids. Small coolers are also allowed inside the pool area (no glass please). Pool members are also eligible to rent a locker from the clubhouse at an additional cost.

    Pool programming includes swim lessons for children (check back for dates).

    ***The BHCC pool will be closed during the 2024 season for renovations***